The first date


When I finally find the holy young lady of my dreams, I hope to meet her one day during the week at a local church for daily Mass. This is the ideal way for two Catholics to begin a relationship; it sets the tone for everything that will follow. What better way to start than by praying to God for success?

Afterward, we could go to a nearby park and take a long walk together, stopping to sit on a park bench and just look at the scenery. We'd have a nice, long chat about the Church, each other, and what we each expect from a friend.

Next, we could go to the supermarket and get whatever we'd need for the nice dinner I long to cook for her. Then we could go to her place and get started. I'd make the crumb cake from the recipe page and save it for after dinner. Then I'd make a nice pot of tomato sauce the way my mother taught me, with plenty of onions and garlic to make the place smell nice. (Nothing smells nicer than onions cooking!)

I taught myself a trick using lasagna strips some time ago, and ever since I've been waiting for a chance to make them for a special lady. I make the ricotta cheese filling as if it was going into stuffed shells, but instead slice cooked lasagna strips in half, roll the filling inside them, and bake them in sauce. I'll do that for her and add sausage or meatballs or both to the sauce.

Finally, after we enjoy all that great Italian food and the crumb cake together, we'd part company-- but not for long, I hope!

So what's your dream? Could it be blended with this one?