You would consider home schooling


Well, great! I'm not dead-set about home schooling, but because I feel that institutional schooling nearly ruined me emotionally, I do have a very strong preference for it. I have reservations about it, and I would consider a good Catholic school as an alternative after suitable evaluation. (Public schools and their condom-wielding staffs are OUT!)


Home schooling looks like the only chance that a child might have to develop a healthy social life. (Traditional schools go the extra step to snuff out all socializing.) I realize that it takes a total commitment on the part of parents, and it's not something to be done lightly. Two working parents probably couldn't manage to do it right. When I was only marginally self-employed, I would have been willing to tackle the task full time myself if the opportunity presented itself. Now that I have a decent full-time job, my dream is to find a woman who is both willing and capable of homeschooling. I can't see a better alternative, though.

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Learn about home schooling
Another home schooling site
Seton Home Study School

You can probably find a wealth of information on Catholic homeschooling by doing your own Internet search; I've just provided these links as a starting point.

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