Father in heaven, You looked on Adam in his loneliness and said, "It is not good for the man to be alone." In Your wisdom and love You created woman so that a man and woman joined together in marriage might share and reflect the love and union which we see so powerfully expressed in the Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Spirit. May the woman who has found her way here be the special lady You will me to marry. As she learns about me through the questions I ask, if she is that loving woman, may she see in me someone of special worth who would make a good husband and a good father for her children. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Blessed Mother, please look down on your single daughters. Can you not find one among them who would be overjoyed to spend the rest of her life with someone like me? Queen of Angels, have you no angel in heaven powerful enough to overcome the obstacles that have been placed in my path? Our Lady of Hope, can you give no hope to a hopeless, hapless son? Please inspire your chosen daughter to enter this corner of the world and dispose her to receive this invitation favorably. Enlighten her to see a good friend and a good lover waiting for her. Immaculate Heart of Mary, please grant me patience and a loving heart so that I can care for your daughter and defend, protect, and nurture her in all that I say and do. Our Lady of Mercy, please help ransom your lonely son, imprisoned in a world that thinks little of your Son and His followers. Our Lady of Sorrows, please take my broken, fragile heart to your Son. Ask Him to mend it and keep it suitable for the lifelong relationship I ask of you through Christ our Lord.