An original joke
Two men have survived the sinking of a cruise ship and are sharing a life raft in the ocean.
The first says, "I can't believe we've survived this long. The raft keeps taking on water, but it seems to dissipate."
The second says, "I know why we're managing. I'm a Catholic and I made nine First Fridays, but I haven't had a chance to have my confession heard. We're safe until I can get to a priest."
"Your troubles are over," says the first man brightly. "I'm a priest, and I'll be more than happy to hear your confession." The second man is apprehensive, thinking that the boat will sink after he receives absolution, but he is eager for reconciliation and doesn't want to take any chances about such an important matter, so he lets the priest hear his confession. To his surprise, the boat continues to float well after he's finished his penance.
"I wonder why we're still afloat?" says the second man. "I thought my sins were keeping the boat afloat."
"No, now it's my sins," says the priest. "I made nine First Fridays myself, and I need a priest to hear my confession too."
"Say, that's too bad. Oh, well, at least we're safe," the second man says, relieved.
Suddenly, a light bulb shines over the priest's head. "Hey, I have an idea! I'm also a bishop. I can ordain you!" The second man is reluctant to be ordained, but does not like the idea of placing another man's salvation in jeopardy if he could prevent it, so he sheepishly agrees to be ordained. Then he hears the bishop's confession and assigns him a Hail Mary as penance. Immediately after the bishop finishes his penance, the boat begins to sink.
"You and your bright ideas," says the newly ordained priest.
"My bright ideas?" says the bishop as they sink under the water. "You should have given me more penance!"