My personal ad

This is the ad I would consider running in my local newspaper if it weren't pro-abortion (or anti-life, if you prefer). I would feel my whole marriage were tainted somehow if I met my wife through a newspaper dedicated to allowing the slaughter of innocent human beings. We can't use illegitimate means to attain even a good end. Merely buying the paper is a compromise I make only because I have to stay informed somehow, it's the only paper in town, and I've already given up TV and most radio. I just can't bring myself to help promote abortion even further by paying for space in this paper. (When I was marginally self-employed, my father insisted for a long time that I should run a business ad in the paper, but that was also not an option for me-- I'd rather donate the $6000 per year to Birthright or some other worthy cause.)


SWCM, 40, seeks holy Catholic lady willing to give up television, jeans, sweat pants, and sneakers for the right man. Must practice asceticism and good stewardship of God's gifts. Willing to consider homeschooling. Breastfeeding required. Must obey legitimate laws. No cursing or swearing. Pro-life only.

I know-- nobody would respond anyway. I guess I'm not making much of a sacrifice here. Oh, well.