I personally don't have anything to do with alcoholic beverages, since even the first one begins to erode the very mental faculties one needs to determine when to stop. It's like writing the guidelines for when to stop on a sheet of paper, but each drink puts a random hole in the paper. It sounds dangerous and needlessly risky to me. I'd just as soon indulge in safer pleasures. My father and grandfather both had drinking problems, and this also affects my thinking. Alcoholism is said to have a hereditary element as well, so I know I'm best advised to abstain entirely myself.
However, Jesus Himself apparently had no quarrel with cautious use of alcohol-- after all, He did turn water into wine. If anything were inherently sinful about alcoholic beverages, the Blessed Virgin would not have asked Him to perform that miracle, and He would not have done it in any case. Cautiously, then, I invite you to proceed to the next question.